A card game to out grind your family and friends, rain, hail or shine
The player who gets rid of all their cards from their hand first wins a rally. Each rally won scores the player either points, games or sets, depending on your selected match format.
Select a match format
Choose a server to shuffle the deck
The Server deals 6 cards to each player face down
The player left of the dealer starts the match by playing their first card
Score check when a player wins a rally
Shuffle deck if required
Upon completion of each rally, the person to the left of the server (dealer) becomes the new server (dealer).
A tennis ball inside a coloured section identifies where a shot is played from
An arrow to an opposing coloured section identifies where a shot is played to
All players must play from where the previous shot landed
The colour of the shot description at the top of each card correlates with the coloured section a player can play the shot from
Clear rally pile upon completion of each rally
Pick up three cards from the face down deck if you can’t play a card. The next player will start the new rally with a card from their hand unless the previous player has used a Just Out Card
If a player has used a Just Out Card to win a rally, they will clear the rally pile and start the next rally with a card from their hand
Play Singles or Doubles
Match Format #1 – Shot Gun
Play one rally to see who the shot gun winner is.Perfect for making those tough quick decisions on the road;
- Who must wash up?
- Who must bag the court?
- Who gets the double bed?
- Who gets the aisle seat?
Match Format #2 - One Game
Each rally won by a player earns them a point.(eg. 15, 30, 40, Game).
The first player to win a rally while on 40 wins the game. *Sudden death deuce.
Match Format #3 - Fast Four Set
Each rally won by a player earns them a game.(eg. 1, 2, 3, 4, Set)
The first player to reach four games wins.
Match Format #4 - One Set
Each rally won is worth a game.(eg. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Set).
The first player to reach 6 games with a lead of 2 or more games over all other players wins. If 2 or more players are tied at 5 games apiece, all players must play to 7 games to win the match.
Match Format #5 – Best of Three
Choose Match Formats 1, 2, 3 or 4 and play a best of three sets.
Match Format #6 – Best of Five
Choose Match Formats 1, 2, 3 or 4 and play a best of five.
There are a total of 78 cards
- 64 shot cards
- 6 attack cards
- 2 offense cards
- 6 special cards
Shot Cards
Shot Cards play tennis shots from one section of the court to another section of the court. Players MUST play a shot from the colour section that the previous shot landed in.- The tennis ball inside of a coloured box indicates where a shot must be hit from
- The arrow points to an opposing coloured box where the shot will land
- Lob: Use two or more of the exact same shot cards to lob your shot over the next player. This means that their go has been skipped and the rally will continue to the following player.
Attack Cards
- Hot Shot: Use an exact same Attack card on top of another Attack card to add to the number of cards the losing player must pick up.
Offense Cards
The Offense Card can be used to and from any coloured section of the court. The player using an Offense Card must select where the ball lands for the next player.
Rule: The Offense Card cannot be used on top of an Attack Card
Special Cards
Special Cards allow players to defend themselves from situations where they would otherwise have to pick up cards.
Just Out: The Just Out Card allows a player to call the previous players shot ‘out’ and force them to pick up three cards. The player who has used a Just Out Card clears the rally pile and starts the next rally with a card in their hand.
- Rule: The Just Out Card can be used on top of any other card in the deck except on top of another Just Out Card.
Yours: The Yours Card allows a player to pass the shot to the next player. The Yours Card can be used on top of all cards in the deck excluding the Just Out Card.
E.g. If Player A plays a Net Winner +3, Player B plays a Yours Card, the next player must respond to the Net Winner + 3 card played by Player A.
- The Yours Cards should be placed alongside the rally pile so that the previous card on top of the rally pile remains visible for the next player.
Challenge: The Challenge Card allows a player to reverse the play back to the previous player. The Challenge Card can be used on top of all cards in the deck excluding the Just Out Card.
E.g. If Player A plays a Net Winner +3, Player B plays a Challenge Card, Player A must respond to the Net Winner + 3 card they originally played.
- The Challenge Card should be placed alongside the rally pile so that the previous card on top of the rally pile remains visible for the next player.